If you’re reading this in bed on your phone right now, it’s a safe bet that nearly one-third of Americans are struggling with sleep right now too.  Sleep problems can be temporary and situational, like stress about a job or experiencing a major life change. Struggling with sleep can also be a sign of underlying health or mental problems.  Here are our tips for sleeping all night.

1. Stop with the Stimulants Late in the Afternoon

Caffeine, sugar, tea leaves and other natural stimulants consumed late in the day are some of the most common culprits for sleep disruption. Try cutting yourself off from nature’s uppers between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. every day.  If you struggle with the afternoon slump, avoid foods that make you tired for breakfast and lunch. Instead, consider adding more foods known for uplifting your mood and giving you energy for lunch.  Exercise can also work as an energy booster in the afternoon. Consider taking a walk or jog on your lunch break, enjoying a yoga flow video or studio class, or going to the gym. 

2. Banish Naps to Start Sleeping All Night

Naps can seriously screw-up your sleep cycle. One day of too much napping can create a domino effect of waking and sleeping at the “wrong” times. Before you know it your days and nights can start blending together.  Healthy adults shouldn’t need to nap. If you’re finding it difficult to stay awake during the day, ask yourself how much sleep you’re getting. Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night.  If you’re getting the minimum but still struggle through the day, you could have an unchecked health problem. Sleep disorders can cause daytime sleepiness, along with physiological and psychiatric health conditions. If managing your sleep cycle persists, schedule an appointment with your doctor. 

3. Make Your Sleep Cycle Consistent 

Routines are the hallmark of happy, healthy and successful lives. Getting your body on a sleep schedule is essential to your body’s natural, physiological processes. Your body’s essential processes and sense of balance are closely knitted to circadian rhythm functions. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. Increase your exposure to bright light during the day, and decrease your exposure to blue light in the evening to help your body hop into its natural process. 

4. Get the Right Mattress 

Every mattress is not created equal. A quality mattress is key to sleepful nights and rejuvenating sleep cycles. From memory foam to gel and sleep number, there are a lot of options out there for choosing a mattress.  But how are you supposed to pick the right mattress style and brand for you, if you haven’t been able to try them all? Use this guide to help break down the most popular mattress brands and styles.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep Every Night 

By making a few small changes to your routine, sleeping all night can easily become a thoughtless, peaceful process.  Need more lifestyle tips? Click through more articles on our site.

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