1.    Precaution principle

The principle of precaution contributes to an effective preparation for educational activity and its proper organization. The basic rule is the early planning of events related to study, work or leisure. It is necessary to compile a schedule for a month in advance: all important events, dates, holidays, tests and exams, deadlines for the submission of course and diploma works. You should plan the upcoming week especially carefully. Decide what events and in what time should occur daily.

2.    The principle of fixing events

Be sure to write down all important and minor events in the diary. The best memory is liquid ink. In addition, this approach teaches concentration, self-organization and gives the opportunity to relax without keeping too much information in the head. You can use planners, organizers, special programs for tablets and computers. Constant planning allows to visualize the workload with all events and tasks. Try to plan your week and each day in detail. Start each morning by creating a ‘To Do List’. Next, determine how long it will take to perform each action, to which period of time it is best to add the new task and when you need to complete it.

3.    Parallelism of actions

We recommend all students to master the ‘sandwich’ technique. When you are busy with something that does not require full involvement and strong focusing, in parallel you may do other things that need to be done right here and now.

4.    The principle of conscious rest

Be sure to take breaks during the day to replenish the internal resources. There are different options of recreation: reading articles and watching the news, walking, communicating with friends. Sport is a good way to relax and distract attention.

5.    The principle of flexibility

You must be flexible and timely respond to changes in the daily routine. If some event is postponed, use the free time for self-development: read books, attend important events, for example, trainings on time management for college students and businessmen. Learn to change your plans if circumstances require this. Remember that compiled schedule is one of the variants of the development of events which can be corrected by you in the needed direction. Many students who combine work with study face a lack of time, especially if there are sudden assignments from superiors or demanding customers. Sometimes it’s better to get homework help online to get high marks and fulfill all duties at the workplace. Be flexible and consider all possible ways that may lead you to the intended goal.

6.    The principle of realistic planning

The student has to compile the schedule realistically. You do not have to solve all complex and big tasks at once. It is necessary to divide them into several parts. This will facilitate the work and lead to an excellent result. In the same way, you should divide the study time. Do not work with learning material longer than one hour. The breaks are required.

How long should you study per day?

This question interests all students. It is important to remember that success depends on your productive time planning. There are no exact standards for all young people since everyone has different efficiency. For one person, a certain subject seems quite complicated. The other student does not need so much time to learn the same material. You should know your own interests, goals and abilities. The purpose of the study time management is to improve planning so as to maximize the effectiveness of the educational process. First, it is necessary to concentrate on pleasant and understandable issues but not to neglect the others. An approximate reference point for studying one subject per day:

1st year – 1.5 hours per day; 2nd year – 2 hours per day; 3rd year – 2.5-3 hours a day; 4th year – 3-4 hours a day; 5th year – 3.5-5 hours a day.

Note that the number of hours in the schedule should increase closer to exams and tests. Specialists in time-management advise students to spend the first half-hour of the evening on reviewing the main topics studied in the lecture course. This will help to identify the weaknesses which you should include in the working plan. Be sure to read the additional literature. Attention to the subject will increase your interest and potential. Motivate yourself with pleasant surprises, visits to a cinema, theater, sports club after a good day.

Time traps to be avoided

Starting to master the art of time-management, many newcomers face the following difficulties:


Now you see that the importance of time management for students is great. Planning is the basic preparation for the realization of educational goals and the structuring of time. Spending 10 minutes to compile the schedule for every day, you will save 2 hours of time! Don’t you believe it? Start planning today! Make realistic plans only in writing. Be sure to fix all your goals, set exact deadlines for all activities. The actions which were not done at the due moment should be transferred to the next period. Use the methods described above, and you will succeed. Good luck with your studies!  

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